Thursday, September 30, 2004
Search For Scott
After spending most of the day snoozing by the fire, I cleaned Zippy's cage and had a bit of a change round with it because he keeps standing on the cage door that opens up at the top and can't be very good for his feet. I've put a perch high up on the outside of the cage so he can perch on that instead which he seems happy with. He's also been over to the stand for some peanuts and seems happier climbing across rather than using the ladder which I've now taken down.
Last night Debbie had a devil of journey home again, having to travel through the centre of Sheffield to get home from work, at least the new job is this side of Sheffield and the journey shouldn't take half as long. I'd got tea on the go, potato croquets, fish fingers and beans but Debbie was rather hoping I'd not managed it, fancying chips and curry instead, hey ho, we might have that tonight.
We climbed in bed early and watched a programme about a race between two teams on foot across the North Pole featuring lots of ice. snow and a polar bear. Debbie was on the phone at the time and said to me that her friend was watching Star Trek - The Search For Spock, so I said that we're watching Race Across The Antactic - The Search For Scott. I know it was the Arctic really, the way I work out which is which when they're on telly, is to remember that a penguins best method of defence against a polar bear is distance.....polar bears only live at the north pole (Arctic) and penguins only in the south (Antarctic).
After that we watched new series on BBC1 called British Isles, A Natural History which I wasn't that bothered about but turned out to be a real treat and definitely worth tuning in for again next week.
This morning I've struggled back in to work armed with a bottle of linctus and a large box of tissues, man-size for man-flu!
Last night Debbie had a devil of journey home again, having to travel through the centre of Sheffield to get home from work, at least the new job is this side of Sheffield and the journey shouldn't take half as long. I'd got tea on the go, potato croquets, fish fingers and beans but Debbie was rather hoping I'd not managed it, fancying chips and curry instead, hey ho, we might have that tonight.
We climbed in bed early and watched a programme about a race between two teams on foot across the North Pole featuring lots of ice. snow and a polar bear. Debbie was on the phone at the time and said to me that her friend was watching Star Trek - The Search For Spock, so I said that we're watching Race Across The Antactic - The Search For Scott. I know it was the Arctic really, the way I work out which is which when they're on telly, is to remember that a penguins best method of defence against a polar bear is distance.....polar bears only live at the north pole (Arctic) and penguins only in the south (Antarctic).
After that we watched new series on BBC1 called British Isles, A Natural History which I wasn't that bothered about but turned out to be a real treat and definitely worth tuning in for again next week.
This morning I've struggled back in to work armed with a bottle of linctus and a large box of tissues, man-size for man-flu!

Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Sneezing All The Way
Monday was a terrible day at work for me, coughing and sneezing the whole time and by evening I was ready to be put in my coffin ..lol.. It was decision day for Debbie and after not getting a better offer, she's decided to accept another job closer to home.
Feeling even worse yesterday morning, I took the day off work and this is someone who went 10 years without having a single day off work. I don't know if things like this hit you harder as you get older or if you just have more sense than to battle in to work when you’re not really up to it.
Last night, a friend came over for a couple of hours and just as he was about to leave, Debbie got a phone call about the wedding dress, nothing to worry about, just ironing out a few details. I saw our friend out and disappeared upstairs before I keeled over.
I've been up all night with stomach ache, something I've not suffered with since climbing pear trees as a teenager. Debbie's been sneezing this morning, I'll be for it if she's badly over he weekend!
So, I'm off back to bed now before I contract anything else.
Feeling even worse yesterday morning, I took the day off work and this is someone who went 10 years without having a single day off work. I don't know if things like this hit you harder as you get older or if you just have more sense than to battle in to work when you’re not really up to it.
Last night, a friend came over for a couple of hours and just as he was about to leave, Debbie got a phone call about the wedding dress, nothing to worry about, just ironing out a few details. I saw our friend out and disappeared upstairs before I keeled over.
I've been up all night with stomach ache, something I've not suffered with since climbing pear trees as a teenager. Debbie's been sneezing this morning, I'll be for it if she's badly over he weekend!
So, I'm off back to bed now before I contract anything else.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Monday, September 27, 2004
Turkey Dinner
The other day we got a turkey leg for Sunday dinner because it's just the right size for two and the meat on the leg is nicer. After a spot of shopping yesterday Debbie cracked on with making a lovely Sunday dinner while I attempted the ironing. It must have taken me a while because when I got back downstairs, dinner was ready and was absolutely gorgeous.
We just chilled on the sofa afterwards, watching Star Wars - Episode II, I think we'll be getting the trilogy soon, the one that's been released this week. The afternoon drifted into evening and we almost missed Monarch Of The Glen not realising it was so late.
I appear to have contracted man-flu from somewhere with the sniffling and sneezing starting last night and feeling awful this morning, not sure if that's the flu or the whisky though, probably a bit of both. The only thing I'm going to be drinking a lot of this week is lemsip!
We just chilled on the sofa afterwards, watching Star Wars - Episode II, I think we'll be getting the trilogy soon, the one that's been released this week. The afternoon drifted into evening and we almost missed Monarch Of The Glen not realising it was so late.
I appear to have contracted man-flu from somewhere with the sniffling and sneezing starting last night and feeling awful this morning, not sure if that's the flu or the whisky though, probably a bit of both. The only thing I'm going to be drinking a lot of this week is lemsip!

Saturday, September 25, 2004
Potty Grandma
Last night we had a huge pizza which was a bit on the spicy side and had to be washed down with a vodka and coke for Debbie and a Scotch on the rocks for me. I’ve not had straight whisky for ages and really enjoyed it, so much so, I’m on it again now!
We’ve been over to see my Grandma today and she was a barrel of laughs as always. We decided to take Lucy along with us and she’s spent the afternoon racing about with Ben, my Auntie’s dog. I cringe sometimes when my Aunties starts a conversation of with ‘When our Paul was little……..”., today’s snippet from Paul’s past was the fact that, apparently, I look just the same as I used to all those years ago, apart from the specs, goaty beard, dark hair and a beer belly to be proud of.
The conversation then moved to my Grandma, who keeps a diary so she knows what’s happening and what day it is. The trouble is, the diary doesn’t always open at the right page and she ends up filing in details two weeks in advance. Confusion reigns when Grandma starts kicking up a fuss because she’s two days late for an appointment in a weeks time.
Back home, tired and hungry, we’ve gone for the Chinese option, fast food at it’s finest. The vodka and whisky is flowing and it’s just about time to chill out on the sofa with a good film.
We’ve been over to see my Grandma today and she was a barrel of laughs as always. We decided to take Lucy along with us and she’s spent the afternoon racing about with Ben, my Auntie’s dog. I cringe sometimes when my Aunties starts a conversation of with ‘When our Paul was little……..”., today’s snippet from Paul’s past was the fact that, apparently, I look just the same as I used to all those years ago, apart from the specs, goaty beard, dark hair and a beer belly to be proud of.
The conversation then moved to my Grandma, who keeps a diary so she knows what’s happening and what day it is. The trouble is, the diary doesn’t always open at the right page and she ends up filing in details two weeks in advance. Confusion reigns when Grandma starts kicking up a fuss because she’s two days late for an appointment in a weeks time.
Back home, tired and hungry, we’ve gone for the Chinese option, fast food at it’s finest. The vodka and whisky is flowing and it’s just about time to chill out on the sofa with a good film.

Friday, September 24, 2004
Trolley Rage
Debbie called me at work yesterday to say that she'd be late home so I didn't bother making any tea, thinking we could just pop out for a takeaway when she got home. However, we ended up going to the supermarket instead for a few supplies and some booze for the weekend. I think the idea was that we could get all the shopping out of the way and we wouldn't need to go on Friday or have to do any shopping over the weekend. Unfortunately everyone else seemed to have had the same idea.
Having fought our way round, we pulled the trolley up to one of the checkouts and started unloading, then realised the woman in front was doing shopping for 10 different people and was taking forever. We loaded the stuff back in the trolley and moved to the next checkout and started again.
It was time for the woman in front to pay and out came a wad of vouchers, there must have been one for everything she'd bought, we knew we were in for a long wait and were thinking we should have brought the deck chairs and a flask. With the vouchers out of the way, the cashier then starts off again with birthday cards and wrapping paper that were hidden from view and were obviously being paid for separately. They just kept coming, she must have had the entire stock of birthday cards on there.
Finally, the transaction was complete and we thought a round of applause was in order but we resisted in case it slowed things down again.
Back home, we had our chicken pieces and other savoury bits and pieces, washed down with a vodka and coke. I know we weren't supposed to be drinking last night, just blame the two muppets in the supermarket for that one. The chicken, by the way, was bloody awful, swimming in fat with no hint of crispiness.
This morning I'm not feeling too clever at all, I don't think we'll be going back there again in a hurry. Debbie didn't have too much chicken and feels OK, she pointed out that I also had a beer before the vodka and then had two more vodka's than she did. I still think it was the chicken!
Having fought our way round, we pulled the trolley up to one of the checkouts and started unloading, then realised the woman in front was doing shopping for 10 different people and was taking forever. We loaded the stuff back in the trolley and moved to the next checkout and started again.
It was time for the woman in front to pay and out came a wad of vouchers, there must have been one for everything she'd bought, we knew we were in for a long wait and were thinking we should have brought the deck chairs and a flask. With the vouchers out of the way, the cashier then starts off again with birthday cards and wrapping paper that were hidden from view and were obviously being paid for separately. They just kept coming, she must have had the entire stock of birthday cards on there.
Finally, the transaction was complete and we thought a round of applause was in order but we resisted in case it slowed things down again.
Back home, we had our chicken pieces and other savoury bits and pieces, washed down with a vodka and coke. I know we weren't supposed to be drinking last night, just blame the two muppets in the supermarket for that one. The chicken, by the way, was bloody awful, swimming in fat with no hint of crispiness.
This morning I'm not feeling too clever at all, I don't think we'll be going back there again in a hurry. Debbie didn't have too much chicken and feels OK, she pointed out that I also had a beer before the vodka and then had two more vodka's than she did. I still think it was the chicken!

Thursday, September 23, 2004
Barking Mad
Debbie rang about a wedding cake last night, we're still waiting for a call back with the price but I think we'll be going with this one having seen a cake she'd made at a wedding earlier in the year which was beautiful. We're glad that's out of the way, we wouldn't have been able to face family and friends with a Scooby Doo cake on the top table.
Not a drop of alcohol passed our lips last night which was cool after lapsing on Tuesday night following Debbie's tumble. If we can stay vodka free tonight, I think we'll have a drink to celebrate on Friday!
Zippy's been getting cleaver at mimicking Lucy, he's been doing the whining for a while now because when he's out of his cage Lucy just lies there whining away until he goes back in. Last night Zippy started barking so any visitors knocking on the front door are going to think we've got two dogs, one of which also says 'Hello'! He's barking mad that parrot!
Looking at Eric this morning, we both don't think he's grown much in the last couple of weeks, he shot up after the first week but now seems to have stalled. The vet remarked on how small he was last weekend but didn't say it was a propblem. We'll keep an eye on this but he's still running about like a crazed lunatic so we think he's fine, just vertically challenged.
Not a drop of alcohol passed our lips last night which was cool after lapsing on Tuesday night following Debbie's tumble. If we can stay vodka free tonight, I think we'll have a drink to celebrate on Friday!
Zippy's been getting cleaver at mimicking Lucy, he's been doing the whining for a while now because when he's out of his cage Lucy just lies there whining away until he goes back in. Last night Zippy started barking so any visitors knocking on the front door are going to think we've got two dogs, one of which also says 'Hello'! He's barking mad that parrot!
Looking at Eric this morning, we both don't think he's grown much in the last couple of weeks, he shot up after the first week but now seems to have stalled. The vet remarked on how small he was last weekend but didn't say it was a propblem. We'll keep an eye on this but he's still running about like a crazed lunatic so we think he's fine, just vertically challenged.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Slippery When Wet
Yesterday morning when coming back into the kitchen with Lucy, Debbie's foot slipped on the laminate flooring with it being wet out side and badly twisted her ankle. She went to the hospital just to be safe and they said it's a bad sprain but is was still very painfull.
Getting home first last night I got cracking with tea, beef burgers with pasta bolognese, delicious, honestly! Debbie hobbled through the door just as tea was ready and declared that the plan for no drinking this week was on hold and that a large vodka and coke would sooth the pain.
After tea we just went straight upstairs so Debbie could rest her throbbing foot, the pain had subsided a little but I could see that her foot was still swollen when removing the support sock thingy. We were relieved to find that it wasn't broken or anything, she would have been a sight hobbling down the isle with a pot and crutches!
Debbie's feeling much better this morning and although her foot is still very sore she's still gone off to work. If it had happened to me, I think I would have needed at least a week off work and there would have been plenty of moaning and groaning.
Only 86 days left until our wedding now, we've still got to sort out a cake, I think because we've got everything else sorted we're getting a little bit complacent and might end up with a party cake from Asda!
Up until this weekend we had no idea which song to have for our first dance, then on Saturday night, quite spookily, a show about the worlds greatest love songs was on telly and came to the rescue. The only problem now is my two left feet and lack of rhythm, we had a practice dance and I just couldn't get it until Debbie told me wiggle my arse a bit and it all fell into place ..lol..
Getting home first last night I got cracking with tea, beef burgers with pasta bolognese, delicious, honestly! Debbie hobbled through the door just as tea was ready and declared that the plan for no drinking this week was on hold and that a large vodka and coke would sooth the pain.
After tea we just went straight upstairs so Debbie could rest her throbbing foot, the pain had subsided a little but I could see that her foot was still swollen when removing the support sock thingy. We were relieved to find that it wasn't broken or anything, she would have been a sight hobbling down the isle with a pot and crutches!
Debbie's feeling much better this morning and although her foot is still very sore she's still gone off to work. If it had happened to me, I think I would have needed at least a week off work and there would have been plenty of moaning and groaning.
Only 86 days left until our wedding now, we've still got to sort out a cake, I think because we've got everything else sorted we're getting a little bit complacent and might end up with a party cake from Asda!
Up until this weekend we had no idea which song to have for our first dance, then on Saturday night, quite spookily, a show about the worlds greatest love songs was on telly and came to the rescue. The only problem now is my two left feet and lack of rhythm, we had a practice dance and I just couldn't get it until Debbie told me wiggle my arse a bit and it all fell into place ..lol..

Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Read All About Us!
We've just appeared on The Weblog Review which we've been dreading ever since submitting our request!
It's marvellous, on the day they review the site, we have a very long link pop into the referrers list which sent the side bar crashing down the bottom of the screen. I've fixed this now by consigning the referrers list to bottom of our blog out of harms way. I've also made a few other cosmetic changes both here and at our other blogs, Buttercup and Yorkshire Snowman so that they all look the same in Internet Explorer as they do in Firefox.
Anyway, a big warm welcome to anyone dropping by for the first time, welcome back to anyone visiting for the second time and welcome back again to anyone who just can't stay away ;-)
It's marvellous, on the day they review the site, we have a very long link pop into the referrers list which sent the side bar crashing down the bottom of the screen. I've fixed this now by consigning the referrers list to bottom of our blog out of harms way. I've also made a few other cosmetic changes both here and at our other blogs, Buttercup and Yorkshire Snowman so that they all look the same in Internet Explorer as they do in Firefox.
Anyway, a big warm welcome to anyone dropping by for the first time, welcome back to anyone visiting for the second time and welcome back again to anyone who just can't stay away ;-)

Blowing In The Wind
When we got home last night, next door has posted a letter about knocking down their old fence and building a new brick one and wondered if we had any objections. The timing couldn't have been any better, it's an ugly old rusted metal fence that should have been scrapped years ago and replacing it with a new brick one won't do the value of our house any harm at all. I popped round and told them to go ahead so hopefully they'll be starting that sometime soon.
After tea, fish, chips, peas and tuna fish cakes, Debbie made the butties as planned and then we shut up shop and disappeared upstairs to make some ciggies and watch Eastenders. Poor old Alfie, he was such a happy go lucky character when he first came to the square, now he's been worn down by the familiar Eastenders doom and gloom and looks just as miserable as everyone else. The concluding part of Silent Witness was great, drawing out the end of the plot with a few twists, we'll certainly be tuning in next time.
The wind was really howling through the night and this morning it was just as bad, nothing like the devastating winds across the Atlantic, but here in wet n windy land, the trees were swaying more than usual and the old fence looked like it might be blown down before it gets taken down.
After tea, fish, chips, peas and tuna fish cakes, Debbie made the butties as planned and then we shut up shop and disappeared upstairs to make some ciggies and watch Eastenders. Poor old Alfie, he was such a happy go lucky character when he first came to the square, now he's been worn down by the familiar Eastenders doom and gloom and looks just as miserable as everyone else. The concluding part of Silent Witness was great, drawing out the end of the plot with a few twists, we'll certainly be tuning in next time.
The wind was really howling through the night and this morning it was just as bad, nothing like the devastating winds across the Atlantic, but here in wet n windy land, the trees were swaying more than usual and the old fence looked like it might be blown down before it gets taken down.

Monday, September 20, 2004
We Did The Ironing!
We watched Star Wars Episode I yesterday afternoon and at half time had a gorgeous casserole that Debbie had been preparing for hours. We were planning to watch Episode 2 but it was getting late.
So with a little time to spare before Monarch Of The Glen, we actually managed to get the ironing done for the week, which I think is the first time ever. Usually it's a mad rush in the mornings, ironing, shower, feed the zoo, change the litter, make the butties, make the ciggies, grab a coffee, have some toast and sometimes I even have time for a shave.
Debbie was trying not to fall asleep so as not to be waking up in the middle of the night so we watched Silent Witness which was intriguing as always, the story concludes tonight and we'll be tuning in again to see who done it.
This moring it was pitch black when we woke up and the wind was howling outside, not exactly encouraging us to get moving. With no ironing to do, we considered having an extra ten minutes but managed to resist the temptation. We still didn't have much time to spare but weren't rushing about as much as usual, tonight I think we'll be making the butties and ciggies in advance so we can put our feet up for ten minutes tomorrow morning.
So with a little time to spare before Monarch Of The Glen, we actually managed to get the ironing done for the week, which I think is the first time ever. Usually it's a mad rush in the mornings, ironing, shower, feed the zoo, change the litter, make the butties, make the ciggies, grab a coffee, have some toast and sometimes I even have time for a shave.
Debbie was trying not to fall asleep so as not to be waking up in the middle of the night so we watched Silent Witness which was intriguing as always, the story concludes tonight and we'll be tuning in again to see who done it.
This moring it was pitch black when we woke up and the wind was howling outside, not exactly encouraging us to get moving. With no ironing to do, we considered having an extra ten minutes but managed to resist the temptation. We still didn't have much time to spare but weren't rushing about as much as usual, tonight I think we'll be making the butties and ciggies in advance so we can put our feet up for ten minutes tomorrow morning.

Sunday, September 19, 2004
Return Of The Monarch
This morning we were out at the crack of dawn for a spot of early morning shopping and for a drive along the surrounding country lanes with the cameras. Now we’re enjoying a PJ day, generally loafing about and tinkering with the blogs before we settle down to watch a couple of films this afternoon.
Tonight sees the return of Monarch Of The Glen which we loved watching even before we decided to spend our honeymoon in the area that the series is filmed. Watching the trailers for the show, either some of the actors have changed or they’ve had plastic surgery during the summer! Hopefully it will still be as good as it was before, if not, we’ll just enjoy the scenery ..lol..
Time to go, Debbie’s getting bored and wants to put the films on….
Tonight sees the return of Monarch Of The Glen which we loved watching even before we decided to spend our honeymoon in the area that the series is filmed. Watching the trailers for the show, either some of the actors have changed or they’ve had plastic surgery during the summer! Hopefully it will still be as good as it was before, if not, we’ll just enjoy the scenery ..lol..
Time to go, Debbie’s getting bored and wants to put the films on….

Saturday, September 18, 2004
Derbyshire Peaks
Last night we were both shattered after a long week after a quick shufty in blog land and watching a bit of telly, it was early to bed for an early start.
This morning we were up with the sun but still only just made it out in time to take Eric to the vets for vaccination number two. He was as good as gold, clinging on to Debbie white the vet got the injection ready. He’s got a clean bill of heath and hopefully won’t be seeing the vet again for another year.
Getting home again, I let Eric out of his carry cage and before I could close it again, Misty climbed in. Maybe he wanted to go out for a ride somewhere …lol…
After getting everyone settled, we set off for a drive round the hills, first going via Sheffield on to Edale in Derbyshire. I’ve not been there since I went camping while at primary school and looking at the hills all around, I don’t know how I managed to climb up there, we certainly weren’t trying anything like that today, the weather was terrible, cool and very wet. The clouds were low and the some of the summits were hidden by thick rolling mist. We could see the silhouettes of people walking across the tops with it lashing down with rain, one card short of a full deck obviously.
From Edale we drove on to Castleton where there are loads of caves and caverns to explore which are famous for the stone Blue John. The road going back down over the hill is really steep and I guess would be closed pretty quickly at the slightest hint of snow.
Having got some great photos, we set off along Snake Pass and then over Woodhead, calling in at the Dog & Partridge for a very tasty hot pork and beef sandwich.
Last stop was at the supermarket, not quite so scenic but ok if you’re after a bottle of vodka! We’re chilling out this after noon with a few coffees in preparation chilling out these evening with a few vodka and cokes.
This morning we were up with the sun but still only just made it out in time to take Eric to the vets for vaccination number two. He was as good as gold, clinging on to Debbie white the vet got the injection ready. He’s got a clean bill of heath and hopefully won’t be seeing the vet again for another year.
Getting home again, I let Eric out of his carry cage and before I could close it again, Misty climbed in. Maybe he wanted to go out for a ride somewhere …lol…
After getting everyone settled, we set off for a drive round the hills, first going via Sheffield on to Edale in Derbyshire. I’ve not been there since I went camping while at primary school and looking at the hills all around, I don’t know how I managed to climb up there, we certainly weren’t trying anything like that today, the weather was terrible, cool and very wet. The clouds were low and the some of the summits were hidden by thick rolling mist. We could see the silhouettes of people walking across the tops with it lashing down with rain, one card short of a full deck obviously.
From Edale we drove on to Castleton where there are loads of caves and caverns to explore which are famous for the stone Blue John. The road going back down over the hill is really steep and I guess would be closed pretty quickly at the slightest hint of snow.
Having got some great photos, we set off along Snake Pass and then over Woodhead, calling in at the Dog & Partridge for a very tasty hot pork and beef sandwich.
Last stop was at the supermarket, not quite so scenic but ok if you’re after a bottle of vodka! We’re chilling out this after noon with a few coffees in preparation chilling out these evening with a few vodka and cokes.

Friday, September 17, 2004
Removing Limpets
Debbie was out on a training course yesterday day, having a break from the muppet show at work. She did very well getting back through Leeds just in time to see me finishing the washing up. We nipped out to the supermarket for a few bits and thought we were doing quite well, refraining from putting loads of stuff in the trolley but as is always the case, by the time we got to the checkout, the trolley was full and the bill was just as much as it always is.
Too knackered to make any tea, I made Debbie a ham sandwich which was roughly the same size as a small car and I had cheese and crisps with a mayo and cheese dip. We sat down to watch a film but a phone call for Debbie after half an hour meant that we had to pause it so I switched on the computer for a quick check on blog land. With the phone call finished we sacked the film and stayed on the computer for an hour before calling it a night.
This morning, Debbie was downstairs first while I was still getting ready and I could hear her hopping about trying to remove Eric from her back which can be like trying to remove a limpet from a rock! We seemed to be up against the clock again, making it out of the door just in time, I think it must be these dark mornings that make it harder to get going.
Too knackered to make any tea, I made Debbie a ham sandwich which was roughly the same size as a small car and I had cheese and crisps with a mayo and cheese dip. We sat down to watch a film but a phone call for Debbie after half an hour meant that we had to pause it so I switched on the computer for a quick check on blog land. With the phone call finished we sacked the film and stayed on the computer for an hour before calling it a night.
This morning, Debbie was downstairs first while I was still getting ready and I could hear her hopping about trying to remove Eric from her back which can be like trying to remove a limpet from a rock! We seemed to be up against the clock again, making it out of the door just in time, I think it must be these dark mornings that make it harder to get going.

Thursday, September 16, 2004
Moving Times Ahead
While we were looking at a new area to move to during our holiday the other week, we arranged for someone to come out and do a valuation on our house. Last weekend we were supposed to get everything thing ship shape around the house but as ever, we never got round to it so this week we were supposed to ring and cancel but never got round to that either! Realising I'd not made the call at 5.35pm yesterday and with no answer at the office, I shot off home and started running round like a mad man getting things straight while running round with hoover, legging myself up with the flex which always seems to be a foot shorter than it needs to be.
As previously arranged, Debbie pulled up on the main road because we were supposed to be going shopping, so I hopped in the car and in-between gasps for breath explained that the valuation person was still coming. After another half an hour of rushing about, the place was looking quite presentable, then right on time, there was a knock on the door.
Having gone through the house taking measurements and the like, we all sat down in the living room for the verdict.... Our house is now worth more than double what I paid for it three years ago, so even if we have to discount a little for a quick sale next year, which we were told we won't need to, the mortgage on the new house isn't going to be much different to the current one.
If it weren't for the wedding coming up soon, we would have packed our bags last night!
As previously arranged, Debbie pulled up on the main road because we were supposed to be going shopping, so I hopped in the car and in-between gasps for breath explained that the valuation person was still coming. After another half an hour of rushing about, the place was looking quite presentable, then right on time, there was a knock on the door.
Having gone through the house taking measurements and the like, we all sat down in the living room for the verdict.... Our house is now worth more than double what I paid for it three years ago, so even if we have to discount a little for a quick sale next year, which we were told we won't need to, the mortgage on the new house isn't going to be much different to the current one.
If it weren't for the wedding coming up soon, we would have packed our bags last night!

Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Amazing Adventures of Eric
Eric has been in the bad books this week, he's chewed through the beads that hang down next to the window blinds, it's actually easier to see which way is open and closed now but we haven't told him that.
While Misty and Toddy showed little interest when we first got Zippy, Eric did start climbing up the cage a few days ago while it was open with Zippy perched on top. One quick squirt with Zippy's water spray sent Eric scurrying off and he's never been near the cage since.
He's very agile and can get from anywhere in the house to his food in the blink of an eye! I'm on constant guard now because he's a bugger for chewing on my ear and he can just appear from nowhere when I'm not expecting him. If I walk past him while he's on the cat tower or on the kitchen units, he'll launch himself through air, landing on my back hanging on by his claws. At the moment my legs arms and back look like a cat scratching post!
While we're on the computer he does like to come and supervise. As Debbie is typing something, Eric like to watch the letters appear on the screen, he may be checking for spelling and grammar, we're not sure ..lol.. If he's tired when we're both at the computer, he'll come to whoever isn't at the controls and will happily fall asleep in our arms.
He was climbing all over Misty last night trying to find a comfy spot and Misty just lay they there until he'd had enough, got up and walked off for some peace and quiet elsewhere. Toddy is still getting hold of Eric from time to time but more often than not, it's Eric who's chasing Toddy all over the place so he can expect a telling off from Toddy now and again. If Toddy does get a bit rough, Eric will cry out and Lucy will go to investigate and break it up, she really is a good girl.
We'll be sad to see them go into the cattery during our honeymoon but we know they'll be well looked after there, I wonder if the lady is ready for the Three Amigos!
While Misty and Toddy showed little interest when we first got Zippy, Eric did start climbing up the cage a few days ago while it was open with Zippy perched on top. One quick squirt with Zippy's water spray sent Eric scurrying off and he's never been near the cage since.
He's very agile and can get from anywhere in the house to his food in the blink of an eye! I'm on constant guard now because he's a bugger for chewing on my ear and he can just appear from nowhere when I'm not expecting him. If I walk past him while he's on the cat tower or on the kitchen units, he'll launch himself through air, landing on my back hanging on by his claws. At the moment my legs arms and back look like a cat scratching post!
While we're on the computer he does like to come and supervise. As Debbie is typing something, Eric like to watch the letters appear on the screen, he may be checking for spelling and grammar, we're not sure ..lol.. If he's tired when we're both at the computer, he'll come to whoever isn't at the controls and will happily fall asleep in our arms.
He was climbing all over Misty last night trying to find a comfy spot and Misty just lay they there until he'd had enough, got up and walked off for some peace and quiet elsewhere. Toddy is still getting hold of Eric from time to time but more often than not, it's Eric who's chasing Toddy all over the place so he can expect a telling off from Toddy now and again. If Toddy does get a bit rough, Eric will cry out and Lucy will go to investigate and break it up, she really is a good girl.
We'll be sad to see them go into the cattery during our honeymoon but we know they'll be well looked after there, I wonder if the lady is ready for the Three Amigos!

Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Haloscan Comments
When we first started the blog, many moons ago, we used Haloscan comments because at that time, Blogger didn't have any of their own. When Blogger introduced their own comments we swapped them over. The problem with Blogger comments though is that it's biased towards Blogger accounts and if anyone else wants leave a comment, it has to be anonymously with no link back to their blog which isn't really fair. We also have a problem in that we hold our three blogs on the same Blogger account so any Blogger comments we post have to be left as Snowbabies which is the main account.
Last night we reintroduced the Haloscan comments system to this blog and also to Buttercup and Yorkshire Snowman so anyone can leave a comment with a link back to their own blog so we can come and have a peek ..... we are quite nosey!
After we'd finished tinkering here we sat down and watched something about TV's most embarrassing moments and the number one spot was so entertaining I can't remember what it was. They did have Gemini on though, famous for very out of tune singing at Eurovision and they were blaming the lack of votes on the war in Iraq and wasn't anything to do with them being bloody awful on the night.
Last night we reintroduced the Haloscan comments system to this blog and also to Buttercup and Yorkshire Snowman so anyone can leave a comment with a link back to their own blog so we can come and have a peek ..... we are quite nosey!
After we'd finished tinkering here we sat down and watched something about TV's most embarrassing moments and the number one spot was so entertaining I can't remember what it was. They did have Gemini on though, famous for very out of tune singing at Eurovision and they were blaming the lack of votes on the war in Iraq and wasn't anything to do with them being bloody awful on the night.

Monday, September 13, 2004
We've been looking at our website which has been neglected somewhat lately in favour of the blogs but one thing that does update every day is the countdown clock for our wedding. When we first put that on it was about 380 days away and when Debbie checked it yesterday it read 96 days, I think she said something like 'cook in bell, that's soon gone down!'.
This morning I was in charge of making the sandwiches for work and we weren't all that surprised to find that by the time I'd finished mucking about in the kitchen, we were running late. We still made it time but I think from tomorrow, we're going to be setting off a little bit later now the mornings are getting darker, so we'll have chance for a sit down with a cup of coffee and a slice of toast.
This morning I was in charge of making the sandwiches for work and we weren't all that surprised to find that by the time I'd finished mucking about in the kitchen, we were running late. We still made it time but I think from tomorrow, we're going to be setting off a little bit later now the mornings are getting darker, so we'll have chance for a sit down with a cup of coffee and a slice of toast.

Sunday, September 12, 2004
New Posy
Last night we went for a meal with friends and didn’t get back till midnight so this morning it was a struggle to get going this morning.
We did finally get moving at lunch time and set off to a warehouse to get more flowers for a new bridesmaids posy. Debbie also got a tiara because the band she’d made a while ago doesn’t go with the new style wedding dress.
Leaving there, we called in at the supermarket for a few bits and pieces, including a lovely salad for tea and some more alcohol ..lol..
Next stop was Dads to drop off the details for the suits so he can order his next week. We took Lucy along because Dad loves to see her and tries in vain to get her to play fetch the ball. She’s not daft our Lucy, she’s a fetch it yourself kind of dog ..lol..
We had a friend over tonight which was cool and Debbie got the new posy finished which I must say it looks fabulous!
We’re going to settle down to a film now, trying not to think about another week of work and the ironing we’ve not done…
We did finally get moving at lunch time and set off to a warehouse to get more flowers for a new bridesmaids posy. Debbie also got a tiara because the band she’d made a while ago doesn’t go with the new style wedding dress.
Leaving there, we called in at the supermarket for a few bits and pieces, including a lovely salad for tea and some more alcohol ..lol..
Next stop was Dads to drop off the details for the suits so he can order his next week. We took Lucy along because Dad loves to see her and tries in vain to get her to play fetch the ball. She’s not daft our Lucy, she’s a fetch it yourself kind of dog ..lol..
We had a friend over tonight which was cool and Debbie got the new posy finished which I must say it looks fabulous!
We’re going to settle down to a film now, trying not to think about another week of work and the ironing we’ve not done…

Saturday, September 11, 2004
Chips & Curry Sauce
For once, there was plenty on telly last night to watch with a few vodka and cokes, All About Me staring Jasper Carrot provided a few chuckles and Carrie & Barry staring Neil Morrissey was hillarious!
We spent early morning doing a bit of cleaning up and washing, that's enough for one day, upstairs can wait untill tomorrow.
Debbie's Sister and her daughter have been over today to sort out the Bridesmaids dresses. I'm sure Debbie will divulge all later, all I'll say here is, she is a very happy bunny!
We have been to our local chippy for lunch and had chips and curry sause, it was very very tasty!
Time for a chill now, just got to catch Eric standing still for this weeks picture!
We spent early morning doing a bit of cleaning up and washing, that's enough for one day, upstairs can wait untill tomorrow.
Debbie's Sister and her daughter have been over today to sort out the Bridesmaids dresses. I'm sure Debbie will divulge all later, all I'll say here is, she is a very happy bunny!
We have been to our local chippy for lunch and had chips and curry sause, it was very very tasty!
Time for a chill now, just got to catch Eric standing still for this weeks picture!

Friday, September 10, 2004
Mackerel Fishcakes
After a long eventful week back at work, thank crunchie it's Friday!
Debbie had a terrible day yesterday having to go to the hospital for a scan and we were both relieved to get home last night for big hug and a vodka & coke or two. Tea was one of my best yet, haddock fish cakes, smoked mackerel fishcakes and chicken drummers, enough to put a smile on anyone's face after a bobbins day.
After a spot of blog reading, we sat down to watch some telly. We watched something about a murder investigation which turned out to be very interesting and at the end quite shocking. The two people involved had been arrested but because they couldn't prove which one did it and neither would confess, all they could charge them both with was perverting the course of justice. So one of them got five years and the other seven years and will be released this year and next year so in effect one them got away with murder.
This morning it's really foggy outside and it's warm and muggy inside. It looks like summer is finally coming to and end with rain forecast today and right through the weekend with quite a drop in temperature as well. It might even be cool enough for a spot of tidying up in the house ..lol..
Debbie had a terrible day yesterday having to go to the hospital for a scan and we were both relieved to get home last night for big hug and a vodka & coke or two. Tea was one of my best yet, haddock fish cakes, smoked mackerel fishcakes and chicken drummers, enough to put a smile on anyone's face after a bobbins day.
After a spot of blog reading, we sat down to watch some telly. We watched something about a murder investigation which turned out to be very interesting and at the end quite shocking. The two people involved had been arrested but because they couldn't prove which one did it and neither would confess, all they could charge them both with was perverting the course of justice. So one of them got five years and the other seven years and will be released this year and next year so in effect one them got away with murder.
This morning it's really foggy outside and it's warm and muggy inside. It looks like summer is finally coming to and end with rain forecast today and right through the weekend with quite a drop in temperature as well. It might even be cool enough for a spot of tidying up in the house ..lol..

Thursday, September 09, 2004
Marriage Certificates Par Deux
We've done it! Debbie picked me up from work at lunch time and we arrived at the town hall an hour early. To our surprise and delight, we were seen straight away. It only took about fifteen minutes and the very nice chap at the registry office had details of our intention to marry displayed in the corridor for the first of fifteen days. So in just over two weeks we can go and pick up our marriage certificates!
Having rushed around all day, we nipped out for a takeaway, mixed kebab meat, sausage and chips with garlic mayo and it was delicious. We had an hour on the computer reading blogs, but alas, we're still unable to post anything with blogger being poorly all day. We did managed to watch a film despite Lucy doing her very best to distract us by jumping on us the whole time. Usually she'll settle down on the sofa with us but she was having none of it and was determined to try and lick us to death at every opportunity.
Having rushed around all day, we nipped out for a takeaway, mixed kebab meat, sausage and chips with garlic mayo and it was delicious. We had an hour on the computer reading blogs, but alas, we're still unable to post anything with blogger being poorly all day. We did managed to watch a film despite Lucy doing her very best to distract us by jumping on us the whole time. Usually she'll settle down on the sofa with us but she was having none of it and was determined to try and lick us to death at every opportunity.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004
Marriage Certificates
Well, the no drinking thing is up the spout already ..lol.. Debbie had a bad day at the office yesterday so when we got home, we had a couple of Bacardi and cokes while the stress levels subsided. We spent an hour getting bits and pieces together ready for tomorrow and then the plan was to watch a film but we had to make a few phone calls first. We must have called fifteen different numbers trying to get hold of three people and by the time we'd tracked everyone down, it was getting late so we didn't bother with the film and went to bed instead.
Today we're off to sort out our marriage certificates, Debbie's picking me up at lunchtime and taking us to the town hall or "tarn all" as it's know locally. We shouldn't be in there too long, so I'll we'll be back at work this afternoon....sheesh...
Today we're off to sort out our marriage certificates, Debbie's picking me up at lunchtime and taking us to the town hall or "tarn all" as it's know locally. We shouldn't be in there too long, so I'll we'll be back at work this afternoon....sheesh...

Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Memory Loss
We sure were lucky with the weather last week, yesterday it was dark and miserable virtually all day with drizzle by home time. After a quick tea we were straight out to one of Debbie's work colleagues to try and sort out her printer. After an hour's tinkering followed by another hour re-installing windows, re-installing the printer driver and doing the hokey cokey with the cables, we got nowhere, still getting the same invalid memory address error. It looks like some of the memory might have given up the ghost so we're going to take them our old tower, which I'll need to put back together as it's upstairs in bits at the moment.
With it being so late when we got back, it was a case of straight to bed for some much needed sleep but it was warm again and took ages to finally nod off. We'd left the window open all night and this morning it was bloody freezing ..lol..
The no drinking plan during the week is back on again and we've not touched a drop since Saturday, although, I think we might have blown it yesterday had the off licence not been closed by the time we set off home lmao.
With it being so late when we got back, it was a case of straight to bed for some much needed sleep but it was warm again and took ages to finally nod off. We'd left the window open all night and this morning it was bloody freezing ..lol..
The no drinking plan during the week is back on again and we've not touched a drop since Saturday, although, I think we might have blown it yesterday had the off licence not been closed by the time we set off home lmao.

Monday, September 06, 2004
Back to Work
Hey ho, another holiday comes to an end.... That's it now until our wedding in December and we've still got a few things to sort out before then. We didn't manage to sort out a wedding cake last week but I think we might be able to sort this out through a friend of a friend. We've got to go and sort out the wedding certificates out on Wednesday then we need to get in touch with the bloke from the hall to sort out the layout of the tables etc. The next visit to the dress maker is on Saturday and I'll need to make sure my lot have ordered their suits. After that, it should just be a case of making sure everyone is still on board and ready for the big day.
Yesterday we popped out for a spot of shopping and picked up a new hoover to combat all this cat hair, its compact and can be hung over the shoulder while getting into all the awkward places, which in our living round is almost everywhere ..lol.. Just like every other holiday we've had, we were committed to getting all the ironing done so we didn't have to do any this week and like before, we sacked it in favour of crashing out on the sofa for the afternoon.
This morning the alarm went off at the unearthly hour of 6am which we've not seen for over a week and were surprised to see it was now dark at this time in the morning. It's warm and muggy again following the hot weather we've had all week but the morning darkness is the first sign that winter is on the way.... hurrah!
Yesterday we popped out for a spot of shopping and picked up a new hoover to combat all this cat hair, its compact and can be hung over the shoulder while getting into all the awkward places, which in our living round is almost everywhere ..lol.. Just like every other holiday we've had, we were committed to getting all the ironing done so we didn't have to do any this week and like before, we sacked it in favour of crashing out on the sofa for the afternoon.
This morning the alarm went off at the unearthly hour of 6am which we've not seen for over a week and were surprised to see it was now dark at this time in the morning. It's warm and muggy again following the hot weather we've had all week but the morning darkness is the first sign that winter is on the way.... hurrah!

Saturday, September 04, 2004
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