Monday, July 19, 2004

Nice Clean Yard

Nice Clean Yard

We had a break from the doing nothing plan yesterday and cleared all the rubbish out of the back garden. It wasn't that bad but we do tend to leave boxes out there that won't fit in the bin and they needed to go, we finished the job off by bleaching and hosing everything down so it's all lovely and clean now. Hopefully the weather will pick up now so we can have a BBQ at the weekend, it's not really been fit for weeks now. After tea we watched Mona Lisa Smile which was a nice easy to watch romantic comedy but not one we'd be rushing out to buy.

We'd planned tonight with military precision, feed the zoo, sweep up, have tea then out for a walk with the dogs. Now I've realized I've got to go to a company review meeting after work which has scuppered this somewhat but I'm hoping to be home pretty quickly. It's not very good timing, Debbies going to under more stress today, finding out what's going to happen at work. Hey ho, these things are sent to try us.


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