Buckle up for a long post about a very long roller coaster weekend!
On Saturday morning we were up early for a visit to the dress maker in time for
Debbie's first fitting and the unfinished wedding dress looks absolutely gorgeous! It's nothing like I've ever seen before and I'm sure jaws will be dropping as she glides down the isle!
From there we had a ride into Doncaster to a new store called The Range which sells more or less everything but has a huge selection of artist materials from paint to rubber stamps. We got a pack of scraper foil thingys and yet more Christmas presents.
After getting over the shock of the bill, we'd bought more than we thought, we headed back to Argos for a spiral hot brush for Debbie then back to Barnsley to pick up tickets for the cinema. By the time we got home, we had just an hour to get ready for a night out.
We caught the bus in to town and headed straight for the cinema, for the second time in three years! Bridget Jones was fantastic, especially the skiing and any scene with Hugh Grant in it ..lol..
I'd booked us in at Pinochios's Italian restaurant for 8pm so with the film finishing at 7.50pm we had to hoof it to the other side of town for a much needed drink. The meal was fabulous, Debbie had posh chicken and I had posh steak with a not so posh bacardi and coke and a pint of John Smiths.
After standing at the bus stop for ten minutes in the freezing cold, we gave up on the bus and called for a taxi. We got home, sat down with a bacardi & coke and switched on the telly, to our surprise, the first Bridget Jones was on ..lol.. So we watched that until the end and then retired for the night, exhausted after a very full day.
Sunday morning, Debbie was all for doing nothing but I insisted we needed to go out and get a few bit and pieces. Before going anywhere Debbie cracked on with the table decorations, attaching the ribbons for the balloons and spraying them with gold glitter while I blitzed the kitchen.
After a bit of dinner Debbie, under protest, agreed to go to the supermarket, we ended up getting a more bottles of the strong stuff for Christmas and some bit's for tonight's tea. We also bought Sonic and Spyro for the Playstation, the first games we've bought in about two years ..lol.. Debbie also treated me to the new Star Wars DVD box set which I can't wait to watch!
Getting back home, we got everything unpacked and settled down on the sofa when Debbie thought we should check if anyone had phoned while we were out, they never do but I checked anyway and to my surprise there had been a call from my Dad an hour earlier.
I called back and was shocked beyond belief to hear my youngest Brother (20) answer the phone. I'd better explain that he's supposed to be in Durham having gone back there, against our wishes and after two failed attempts at University there. Anyway, he said that Dad had gone to A & E with a septic finger.
Now my Dad is feeling really low at the moment, he's not well and could well do without any of this. We got in the car and headed off to the hospital which is only 10 minutes away. We found Dad, he seemed fairly up-beat, more concerned about not being able to go fishing than anything ..lol..
I rode in the car with Dad back to his house while Debbie followed on behind so I could find out what had gone on. I can't go into too much detail but it transpires that Dad got a phone call five minutes after arriving at Grandma's yesterday (who herself is going into hospital for surgery today), the call was from Durham hospital, can he come and pick up his son. Like I say, I can't say too much here but this is the third time he's pulled this stunt and it's not fair on his family, most of all Dad who is now as low as I've ever seen him just at the time when he needs to be there for Grandma and his Sister.
It's going to be one long and emotional journey through the next few days. With only 32 days until our wedding, neither of us got much sleep last night, laying awake thinking how we're going to get through this week, whatever highs and lows it may bring.