Monday, August 02, 2004

Cool Weekend

We've had a great weekend, despite the weather forecast being a bit optimistic sunshine wise. On Saturday I got the gate put up in the front garden and then we got the front room in order, which whilst not being all that untidy was suffering from a clutter problem. With nothing on telly again on Saturday night, we opted to watch American Pie - The Wedding on dvd, however, we kept pausing it all the time to get drinks and snacks etc. and after three hours had only watched half the film and were probably too drunk to take it in anyway!

Sunday morning we both felt rough after drinking much more than we ought to have done, Debbie had her usual paracetamol and I had these new things that are like mints and melt on the tongue (I can't swallow tablets to save my life). They seemed to do the trick and after a breakfast of sausage on toast for Debbie and sausage in beef curry for me, we were feeling much better but still not in any condition to go anywhere so we watched League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

Later Debbie's Brother arrived with his family and we had a good old chin wag about the latest on the other side of the Pennines. Apparently is was glorious sunshine over there but still misty and mirky over here. Statistically it's they get more wet weather over in Manchester than we do, they would have to pick one of the rare days when it was the other way round just so they rub it in lol. We took them out to Cannon Hall and by the time we got there the sun finally made an appearance as we all marched from the car park up to the hall. On the way up to the hall we walked through the gardens which were looking lovely in the sunshine. They had all different kinds of pear trees along on of the walls, some looking more appetising than others.

Reaching the complex behind the hall, we all piled into the cafe for a spot of lunch, Debbie had a sausage and onion butty and I had a hot roast pork butty with stuffing and they were both very tasty. There were loads of wasps in the windows and for the most part they stayed there, but occasionally one would buzz over and everyone would start disco dancing around the tables with menus flapping everywhere.

After a brew back home, we said our good bye's and retired upstairs for a nice cool shower and to chill out after a very busy and enjoyable weekend.


1 comment:

Jenny said...

I wanted to stop by and thank you for linking to me (Just An Army Wife)
You have a great blog here and I look forward to reading it more. I have added you on my lists of links also.
Thanks again :)