Monday, April 18, 2005

In The Clear

We went over to see Dad on Sunday, he's doing ok but is due to have some tests done on his heart and possibly a minor operation soon. He's got so much going on at the moment, battling with his own illness and looking out for Grandma who's not too cleaver these days, I hope he's able to take retirement soon, at least that will be one less thing for him to worry about.

Having calmed down a little after doing battle with the estate agent last week, I've been checking the wording of the contract and it appears that we are actually in the clear as long as we don't sell to the one person that did come to view the house and said they weren't interested. So we'll be getting at least four people out to value the house over the next week or so and asking loads of questions before committing to anyone.

We've still got loads of pictures to post from our visit to Woburn Safari Park on Saturday, with nearly six hundred to choose from, we'll try and narrow it down to just a couple each day this week


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