All that remains to be sorted out before winter sets in is the pile of tree branches at the top of the garden. Our neighbour has lent us a metal bin to burn them in, however, for two nights runnning we had nothing but rain so we've not been able to make a start on that yet. It looks like for the first time ever we'll be having a bonfire on Bonfire Night, we're even tempted to go out and get a few fireworks!
Saturday 28th October is Feed The Birds Day, organized by the RSPB. I'm really going to give the bird feeding go this year, we do already feed the birds but all we ever seem to attrract are starlings and that's only if we put those fruity suet sqaures out, the peanunts and sunflower seeds are never touched.
While working in the garden I moved the bird table a couple of metres away from the fence because I think the smaller birds may feel threatened being so close to somewhere cats could easily get to. We picked up a couplpe of new bird feeders on Sunday which we've filled with peanuts, black sunflower seeds and sunflower hearts. I'm also on the lookout for a bigger bird table, the one we've got is a little bit on the small side and it's does look a little bit cramped with all those feeders hanging from it.
Today we’re finally having the roof sorted out, from tonight onwards, it can rain all it wants!
Lucy is just chilling out on the sofa waiting for the roofer to arrive.
I couldn’t resist popping my head out of the door with the camera to catch the gorgeous sunrise this morning.