Wednesday, March 30, 2005

New Filing System Required

We were going to nip over to Meadowhall last night after work to get new mobile phones but we've decided to keep the old ones. We've both got a Sony Ericsson T-610 and while everyone seems to think it's a great little phone, we're not all that happy with it but were going to stick it out until the end of the contract and get another free phone.

So instead of a shopping trip, we spent half the night looking for Debbie's birth certificate because the new place she's working at now needs either that or a passport to prove who you are. We last saw it together with my passport when we went to the registry office last year and knew we'd put them somewhere safe. As usual, they were too safe and because we tend buy a new file to store things in every other month, they could have been in any one of half a dozen of these plastic file things dotted around the place.

We committed the number one searching sin, not looking in the last place you'd expect to find something first, so it was two hours before we found both birth certificate and passport tucked safely in the kitchen drawer. I think it might be time to buy one of those two drawer filing cabinets we've been looking at.


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