With less and less time for blogging, weve decided to go back to just doing one blog, this one!!
Now you will have post from Paul as well as Debbie, when she has a spare min.......
We both have enjoyed doing our own blogs and wish to thank all for your special comments and linking to us both....
We have been to Robin Hoods Bay today and got some fantastic shots of Lucy and Lolly, we ended up getting stuck on the rocks and seeweed and of course Debbie ended up slipping and hurting her knee.
Both Lucy and Lolly are shattered and already asleep, hopefully till tomorrow morning...lol...
Nothing on the housefront as of yet we will give it another week and then I think it will be a change of estate agents!!
Time to get the drinks in, till next time have a great Easter weekend, dont get stuck in them traffic jams...lol..
Debbie & Paulie