Thursday, December 30, 2004
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Hi Everyone, May we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year.
Our Wedding was fantastic and the day could not have been better, everything went to plan and we really enjoyed it.
Scotland was better than we had thought and we have got some fantastic pictures.
See ya all soon, time to get some more celebrations done.
All the very best
Debbie & Paul
Our Wedding was fantastic and the day could not have been better, everything went to plan and we really enjoyed it.
Scotland was better than we had thought and we have got some fantastic pictures.
See ya all soon, time to get some more celebrations done.
All the very best
Debbie & Paul

Saturday, December 18, 2004
Thank You
Apologies for the lack of updates over the last few days, nothing could have prepared us for the organised mayhem this week!
Debbie finished work on Wednesday, then on Thursday and Friday we were busy from sunrise to well after midnight. The preparations have gone well and everything is ready for our big day!
Debbie and I would like to thank everyone for all your good wishes and we’re looking forward to sharing lots of pictures very soon.
Paul & Debbie
Debbie finished work on Wednesday, then on Thursday and Friday we were busy from sunrise to well after midnight. The preparations have gone well and everything is ready for our big day!
Debbie and I would like to thank everyone for all your good wishes and we’re looking forward to sharing lots of pictures very soon.
Paul & Debbie

Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Wedding Rehearsal
Only four days to our wedding now including today and it can’t come soon enough, neither of us can think straight at the moment and it’s only going to get worse before the big day!
Yesterday was quite eventful and by the evening I was ready for the men in white coats to take me away….
First stop was the barber shop to get the rug on my head sorted out after growing it from a number one shave for three months. When I got the shop it was shut, possibly closed down, all was not lost though, I got in at another place I’ve been too before and I’m now looking more like a Groom than Gromit ..lol..
Getting back to my car, I thought to myself, it’s a bit dirty and when I went to open the door noticed scratches all down the edge, anyway I put the key in and it didn’t open, I must not have locked it. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a child seat in the back…… not my car!
I called in at Dad’s to drop off their Christmas cards and I ended up coming away with some early wedding presents, one was quite large so I had to put the back seat down, putting paid to my plan to call at the supermarket on the way home. Instead I had to go and drop everything off at home and then come back again for the shopping.
With the basket full of vegetables and salad, I waddled over to the checkout only to be greeted by the festive “sorry I’m closing” message and moving on to the next checkout got the same response. Third time was lucky but by that time I was getting a twinge with holding that heavy basket for so long.
Back home, I got on with a few jobs and then got the tea on in time for Debbie coming home from work. I noticed the wedding presents still on the sofa so I took them upstairs, then on the way back down I slipped on the last step and jolted my back. My “bit of a twinge” had turned into “chuff me, that smarts a bit”. So there I was in the middle of the kitchen, laughing my head off and making it worse while Lucy sat in her bed, looking at me and shaking her head.
Debbie got home had a sore shoulder to match my back, after a little bit of tea we hobbled off together to the wedding rehearsal. My Brother and his wife were waiting for us and we all walked in together. The church is lovely inside, the flowers and decorations the Vicar’s wife is doing for us look beautiful.
We stated running through the ceremony but we had to stop three times because the Vicar had lost the plot, he finally said, “lets start again” and explained that they just had a phone call on the way out to confirm they are going to America next year for three months on an exchange and they we’re both still thinking about that.
So, we started again and this time got through it all, although some of the steps seem a bit complicated and at the end we are doing a lap of the church. It has two isles and with it being dark, we’ll be going up one isle and down the other posing for photos. The Vicar suggested a slow march step but the isles are a little narrow and when we both got to the pause bit we started keeling over! It will be cool on the day, we’ll do the Snowbabies shuffle or something ..lol...
Back home it seemed like the rest of the world was trying to get in touch with us and Debbie spent about two hours on the phone speaking to family and friends while we knocked back a few large ones!
Yesterday was quite eventful and by the evening I was ready for the men in white coats to take me away….
First stop was the barber shop to get the rug on my head sorted out after growing it from a number one shave for three months. When I got the shop it was shut, possibly closed down, all was not lost though, I got in at another place I’ve been too before and I’m now looking more like a Groom than Gromit ..lol..
Getting back to my car, I thought to myself, it’s a bit dirty and when I went to open the door noticed scratches all down the edge, anyway I put the key in and it didn’t open, I must not have locked it. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a child seat in the back…… not my car!
I called in at Dad’s to drop off their Christmas cards and I ended up coming away with some early wedding presents, one was quite large so I had to put the back seat down, putting paid to my plan to call at the supermarket on the way home. Instead I had to go and drop everything off at home and then come back again for the shopping.
With the basket full of vegetables and salad, I waddled over to the checkout only to be greeted by the festive “sorry I’m closing” message and moving on to the next checkout got the same response. Third time was lucky but by that time I was getting a twinge with holding that heavy basket for so long.
Back home, I got on with a few jobs and then got the tea on in time for Debbie coming home from work. I noticed the wedding presents still on the sofa so I took them upstairs, then on the way back down I slipped on the last step and jolted my back. My “bit of a twinge” had turned into “chuff me, that smarts a bit”. So there I was in the middle of the kitchen, laughing my head off and making it worse while Lucy sat in her bed, looking at me and shaking her head.
Debbie got home had a sore shoulder to match my back, after a little bit of tea we hobbled off together to the wedding rehearsal. My Brother and his wife were waiting for us and we all walked in together. The church is lovely inside, the flowers and decorations the Vicar’s wife is doing for us look beautiful.
We stated running through the ceremony but we had to stop three times because the Vicar had lost the plot, he finally said, “lets start again” and explained that they just had a phone call on the way out to confirm they are going to America next year for three months on an exchange and they we’re both still thinking about that.
So, we started again and this time got through it all, although some of the steps seem a bit complicated and at the end we are doing a lap of the church. It has two isles and with it being dark, we’ll be going up one isle and down the other posing for photos. The Vicar suggested a slow march step but the isles are a little narrow and when we both got to the pause bit we started keeling over! It will be cool on the day, we’ll do the Snowbabies shuffle or something ..lol...
Back home it seemed like the rest of the world was trying to get in touch with us and Debbie spent about two hours on the phone speaking to family and friends while we knocked back a few large ones!

Sunday, December 12, 2004
PJ Day
Debbie was working yesterday morning so I got to work sorting out the back garden after piling everything up for the new wall to be built. It took two trips to the tip to get all the rubbish out of the way, most of it from the attic bedroom last week. I think the whole town were doing a pre Christmas clearout as they were queueing to get in when I got there.
Debbie arrived home at lunch time and was rather pleased not having to tackle the obstacle course any more! We were going to have a chilled afternoon but we had to go and order the button holes for the wedding as we had forgotten them. Next we called in to see the Vicar to give them some money for the flowers in the church and then we went of to the supermarket for a few bits and pieces and yet more booze!
After that we called in at the bargain food shop and got loads more meat and stuff and I just kept out of the way when we got home and watched Debbie get everything in the freezer, amazingly, without the aid of a crow bar!
With us running a little bit late, instead of watching our new DVD’s we watched The X Factor, only to see our favourite, G4 be beaten by a pub singer, definitely a fix that one!
So, we switched it off and watched one of our new films, Santa Who starring Leslie Nielson and it was very enjoyable film in a ho ho ho sort of way.
Today we are having a PJ day which basically means doing nothing at all but lazing on the sofa watching film after film. We’ve had breakfast and I’m already on my second coffee, probably because I’m putting a brandy tipple in mine and topping it with squirty cream!
Debbie arrived home at lunch time and was rather pleased not having to tackle the obstacle course any more! We were going to have a chilled afternoon but we had to go and order the button holes for the wedding as we had forgotten them. Next we called in to see the Vicar to give them some money for the flowers in the church and then we went of to the supermarket for a few bits and pieces and yet more booze!
After that we called in at the bargain food shop and got loads more meat and stuff and I just kept out of the way when we got home and watched Debbie get everything in the freezer, amazingly, without the aid of a crow bar!
With us running a little bit late, instead of watching our new DVD’s we watched The X Factor, only to see our favourite, G4 be beaten by a pub singer, definitely a fix that one!
So, we switched it off and watched one of our new films, Santa Who starring Leslie Nielson and it was very enjoyable film in a ho ho ho sort of way.
Today we are having a PJ day which basically means doing nothing at all but lazing on the sofa watching film after film. We’ve had breakfast and I’m already on my second coffee, probably because I’m putting a brandy tipple in mine and topping it with squirty cream!

Friday, December 10, 2004
Waistcoats & Pies
Off we went to another dress fitting last night, with just one more to follow next week. The dress is coming along very nicely, indeed almost finished! It’s looking fantastic, even better than last time if that were possible and we managed to get some better pictures as the ones I took last time were a little dark.
No-one but myself, Debbie and the dress maker as seen the dress or the pictures and that will remain the case until the day itself as we don’t want to spoil the surprise for everyone.
I’ve been into town and met Dad and my Brother there to try on the suits, everything was perfect, apart from my waistcoat which was obviously design for a waist a little bit smaller than mine. The man in the shop was smiling because he’d just found out who’d ate all the pies!
Anyway, they’ve ordered me a bigger one which will arrive for me to pick up next Tuesday. I did a bit of shopping while I was in town, industrial strength curtain pole for the cats to swing on and one or two presents that we still needed to get. Last stop was the pet food place, where I got a fivers worth of parrot food which is much bigger bag than I thought and will probably last him until Christmas 2005.
On the way home I called at the garage to fill up with fuel and also to wash the car before someone writes “clean me” in all the muck ..lol..
Back at the ranch now, the zoo is sleeping, Lucy on the sofa, Misty on the stool, Toddy in the window and Eric on the chair. Zippy is chilling out in his cage, doing his Monty Python dead parrot impersonation.
It’s time to go and get a coffee on the go, I’ll leave you with some mug shots and I’ll get some pictures of the Christmas tree on here a little bit later.
No-one but myself, Debbie and the dress maker as seen the dress or the pictures and that will remain the case until the day itself as we don’t want to spoil the surprise for everyone.
I’ve been into town and met Dad and my Brother there to try on the suits, everything was perfect, apart from my waistcoat which was obviously design for a waist a little bit smaller than mine. The man in the shop was smiling because he’d just found out who’d ate all the pies!
Anyway, they’ve ordered me a bigger one which will arrive for me to pick up next Tuesday. I did a bit of shopping while I was in town, industrial strength curtain pole for the cats to swing on and one or two presents that we still needed to get. Last stop was the pet food place, where I got a fivers worth of parrot food which is much bigger bag than I thought and will probably last him until Christmas 2005.
On the way home I called at the garage to fill up with fuel and also to wash the car before someone writes “clean me” in all the muck ..lol..
Back at the ranch now, the zoo is sleeping, Lucy on the sofa, Misty on the stool, Toddy in the window and Eric on the chair. Zippy is chilling out in his cage, doing his Monty Python dead parrot impersonation.
It’s time to go and get a coffee on the go, I’ll leave you with some mug shots and I’ll get some pictures of the Christmas tree on here a little bit later.

Thursday, December 09, 2004
Superstar Eric
We had another shopping trip last night at JTF in Sheffiled, we picked up some hangers for the our new tree decorations and a few other bits and pieces but didn’t spend as much as we usually do in there.
On the way home we called in at Meadowhall and to our surprise it wasn’t all that busy. After some much needed food in the Oasis we popped upstairs to get some timers for the tree lights. We also got a new memory card for each of the two cameras, so we’ll be able to bring back almost five thousand pictures!
Today Eric has been the vets for castration, I don’t think it’s what he’s written to Santa for but it has to be done.
After leaving Eric behind in safe hands, I was busy writing Christmas cards, then finished decorating the tree and finally sorted out Zippy’s cage because he’s a right messy bugger!
I picked Eric back up late in the afternoon, all the staff at the vets have fallen in love with him, apparently he’s been as good as gold but he’s been into everything ..lol.. He was meowing all the way home and couldn’t wait to say hello to Lucy, Misty and Toddy.
When we got home, I realised I’d thrown out all the cats bowls because Lucy had chewed them to death, so I had to race round to the pet shop for some new ones. As well as the bowls, I also picked up a couple of new toys for Zippy and some little woollen balls for the cats, one of which Lucy has already pulled to bits!
Debbie will be home soon, so it’s time to get the tea on, something simple I think, that I can’t bugger up!
On the way home we called in at Meadowhall and to our surprise it wasn’t all that busy. After some much needed food in the Oasis we popped upstairs to get some timers for the tree lights. We also got a new memory card for each of the two cameras, so we’ll be able to bring back almost five thousand pictures!
Today Eric has been the vets for castration, I don’t think it’s what he’s written to Santa for but it has to be done.
After leaving Eric behind in safe hands, I was busy writing Christmas cards, then finished decorating the tree and finally sorted out Zippy’s cage because he’s a right messy bugger!
I picked Eric back up late in the afternoon, all the staff at the vets have fallen in love with him, apparently he’s been as good as gold but he’s been into everything ..lol.. He was meowing all the way home and couldn’t wait to say hello to Lucy, Misty and Toddy.
When we got home, I realised I’d thrown out all the cats bowls because Lucy had chewed them to death, so I had to race round to the pet shop for some new ones. As well as the bowls, I also picked up a couple of new toys for Zippy and some little woollen balls for the cats, one of which Lucy has already pulled to bits!
Debbie will be home soon, so it’s time to get the tea on, something simple I think, that I can’t bugger up!

Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Last Big Shop
Another supermarket run last night, hopefully the last major shop until after Christmas! We've got the freezer crammed full off goodies now and we can't quite shut the booze cupboard door now ... but not for long!
On the way out we stopped at the audio/visual section and picked up a new CD called Christmas Hits which we've seen advertised on telly. We also got three new DVD's, Santa Who, White Christmas and Two Brothers. All we need now is some time to watch them, hopefully, this weekend, we won't have to do anything and we'll be able to get in some serious film watching.
It's my last day at work today, Debbie doesn't finish for another week yet, so I'll be making sure absolutely everything is in order so there is as little as possible left to do by next Thursday so we can have a bit a chill before the rushing about starts on Friday!
Only 9 days to go now and as Clive Dunn used to say on Dad's Army......Don't Panic! Don't Panic!
On the way out we stopped at the audio/visual section and picked up a new CD called Christmas Hits which we've seen advertised on telly. We also got three new DVD's, Santa Who, White Christmas and Two Brothers. All we need now is some time to watch them, hopefully, this weekend, we won't have to do anything and we'll be able to get in some serious film watching.
It's my last day at work today, Debbie doesn't finish for another week yet, so I'll be making sure absolutely everything is in order so there is as little as possible left to do by next Thursday so we can have a bit a chill before the rushing about starts on Friday!
Only 9 days to go now and as Clive Dunn used to say on Dad's Army......Don't Panic! Don't Panic!

Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Cats & Boxes
The cats are having a field day with all the empty decorations boxes in the living room, Misty seems to be feeling much better now, jumping in and out of the tree box and fending off of the other two fruitcakes but still spends most of the time curled up on the chair watching Toddy and Eric race around causing mayhem. We were wondering if Eric would take a fancy to the Christmas tree but just like Misty and Toddy, he's never bothered with it at all.
I'm sure the vet will say that after Eric has his operation he might be a bit quiet for a few days, but we've been through this with Misty and Toddy and we're not falling for that one. I can remember bringing Misty home from the vets and gingerly putting the carry cage on the floor and carefully opening the door, then a black and white furball race past me and straight up the living room door!
Debbie and I spent half of last night hunting for a timer for the Christmas lights but it gone into hiding, disappeared down the Snowbabies black hole. We'll go and get a couple of new ones later in the week, along with some hangers so we can put the rest of the decorations on the tree. Apart from the lights in the window, the tree, the singing dancing snowman and reindeer and candles in front of the fire, we've not put up many other decorations, but fear not, by the end of this week, our front room will be looking like Santa's Grotto!
I'm sure the vet will say that after Eric has his operation he might be a bit quiet for a few days, but we've been through this with Misty and Toddy and we're not falling for that one. I can remember bringing Misty home from the vets and gingerly putting the carry cage on the floor and carefully opening the door, then a black and white furball race past me and straight up the living room door!
Debbie and I spent half of last night hunting for a timer for the Christmas lights but it gone into hiding, disappeared down the Snowbabies black hole. We'll go and get a couple of new ones later in the week, along with some hangers so we can put the rest of the decorations on the tree. Apart from the lights in the window, the tree, the singing dancing snowman and reindeer and candles in front of the fire, we've not put up many other decorations, but fear not, by the end of this week, our front room will be looking like Santa's Grotto!

Monday, December 06, 2004
Getting Into The Festive Mood
It's been another fun packed weekend, on Friday night we went out for a meal with Debbie's boss and his wife. As I was locking up, on the way out to the car, Debbie let out a scream and when I turned round, she had put her foot in the concrete footings for the new wall! We had to run back inside to wash the concrete of her boot!
We arrived at Sir Jacks and our friends arrived just as we were getting out of the car. The food wasn't anything special but we did get some free drinks after waiting about fifteen minutes for our food. It's the company you keep that makes the night and we had a great time! We didn't stop giggling and laughing all night and by the time we left, Debbie's jaw was aching her make-up had gone from wiping away the tears of laughter!
On Saturday we went over to Castleton, with a view to seeing the Christmas lights but we got there a bit early so instead we just had a walk round the shops there. I bought Debbie a beautiful Blue John ring which she loves to bit's and I know she's hoping Santa will be bringing more little boxes containing gold and Blue John.
We were going to have a chill out day on Sunday but we needed to go out and get a few things for this week so ended up shopping until early afternoon. When we got back, it was my turn to make dinner, I put the meat in the oven but I'm afraid that's as much as I got around to doing. We were busy putting up out Christmas lights and Debbie ended up sorting out the dinner while I tackled the knots in all the cables with the best part of a bottle of Cherry Brandy to keep things moving!
After dinner we started on the tree, I got all the lights on then we decided that it looked daft and took them all off again before putting them back on properly. With the lights in place, we started with the decorations but by this time we were flagging and little, we did get most of them on but we've still got a few new decorations that we haven't got hangers for so I'll have to nip out and pick some up from somewhere.
It's Monday morning again, only one more Monday morning before our wedding now and as I write this there are just 11 days, 15 hours and 32 minutes to go!
We arrived at Sir Jacks and our friends arrived just as we were getting out of the car. The food wasn't anything special but we did get some free drinks after waiting about fifteen minutes for our food. It's the company you keep that makes the night and we had a great time! We didn't stop giggling and laughing all night and by the time we left, Debbie's jaw was aching her make-up had gone from wiping away the tears of laughter!
On Saturday we went over to Castleton, with a view to seeing the Christmas lights but we got there a bit early so instead we just had a walk round the shops there. I bought Debbie a beautiful Blue John ring which she loves to bit's and I know she's hoping Santa will be bringing more little boxes containing gold and Blue John.
We were going to have a chill out day on Sunday but we needed to go out and get a few things for this week so ended up shopping until early afternoon. When we got back, it was my turn to make dinner, I put the meat in the oven but I'm afraid that's as much as I got around to doing. We were busy putting up out Christmas lights and Debbie ended up sorting out the dinner while I tackled the knots in all the cables with the best part of a bottle of Cherry Brandy to keep things moving!
After dinner we started on the tree, I got all the lights on then we decided that it looked daft and took them all off again before putting them back on properly. With the lights in place, we started with the decorations but by this time we were flagging and little, we did get most of them on but we've still got a few new decorations that we haven't got hangers for so I'll have to nip out and pick some up from somewhere.
It's Monday morning again, only one more Monday morning before our wedding now and as I write this there are just 11 days, 15 hours and 32 minutes to go!

Friday, December 03, 2004
Manic Morning
I got home last night to find the entire wall gone, I got to our gate and was just about to reach round to take the chain off and thought..... durrrr, just walk round it! Debbie was waiting inside, having had a bit of a shitty day at work, was ready for some therapeutic shopping. So off we went to the local bargain food shop and got stocked up with all sorts of frozen and not so frozen goodies.
Taking Lucy out now is a bit of a pain as she has to be on the lead with the wall gone and instead of getting on with the job in hand, just prances up and down the garden looking at next door. I wouldn't mind but last night it was freezing and after 10 minutes waiting, the teeth were starting to chatter. Hopefully they'll start at the house end with the new wall today and get that high enough to let Lucy can go off the lead again.
This morning has been quite eventful, I took Lucy out for another session of prancing about and not a lot else, I could hear something that could have been dripping water or it could have been a crackling fire. I'd convinced myself it was water but after a while could see a glow behind the garages, so I took Lucy back in, raced upstairs, past a perplexed Debbie and up into the attic to look through the window up there... Nothing, no crackling and no glowing.... it's official, I've lost it, gone completely mad!
Back downstairs, I changed the litter and Toddy was first in, could wait for the top to be put back on, then Misty went in and after a few seconds started screaming. He came out, still screaming and we followed him about to check he was OK. He usually just flops anywhere he likes but he couldn't get comfy anywhere and was growling and hissing if anyone went near him. It was looking like a trip to the vets but after half an hour, he calmed down and got settled on the computer chair, then when it was time for us to leave I picked him up and he seemed fine.
So the vet trip is cancelled but we'll be keeping an eye on him for a while just to make sure he's still OK. Eric on the other hand, has a wonderful Christmas surprise coming, he's booked in at the vets next week for neutering!
Taking Lucy out now is a bit of a pain as she has to be on the lead with the wall gone and instead of getting on with the job in hand, just prances up and down the garden looking at next door. I wouldn't mind but last night it was freezing and after 10 minutes waiting, the teeth were starting to chatter. Hopefully they'll start at the house end with the new wall today and get that high enough to let Lucy can go off the lead again.
This morning has been quite eventful, I took Lucy out for another session of prancing about and not a lot else, I could hear something that could have been dripping water or it could have been a crackling fire. I'd convinced myself it was water but after a while could see a glow behind the garages, so I took Lucy back in, raced upstairs, past a perplexed Debbie and up into the attic to look through the window up there... Nothing, no crackling and no glowing.... it's official, I've lost it, gone completely mad!
Back downstairs, I changed the litter and Toddy was first in, could wait for the top to be put back on, then Misty went in and after a few seconds started screaming. He came out, still screaming and we followed him about to check he was OK. He usually just flops anywhere he likes but he couldn't get comfy anywhere and was growling and hissing if anyone went near him. It was looking like a trip to the vets but after half an hour, he calmed down and got settled on the computer chair, then when it was time for us to leave I picked him up and he seemed fine.
So the vet trip is cancelled but we'll be keeping an eye on him for a while just to make sure he's still OK. Eric on the other hand, has a wonderful Christmas surprise coming, he's booked in at the vets next week for neutering!

Thursday, December 02, 2004
Tumbling Walls
We needed some more salad last night and rather than hop in the car, we took Lucy for a walk down to the local late night shop. It's a good half an hour's walk there and back so won't have done us any harm at all. It gave us a chance to look at the competition with a few houses already lit up for Christmas. We were going to hold off for another week but I think we might just go and put them up this weekend.
When we got back Debbie noticed someone hanging about outside our front door, looking through the curtain, it turned out to be the girl from the Chinese takeaway. Debbie went round to see what they wanted, apparently they are pulling their wall down today and just wanted to let us know in advance. It's a bit of a bugger because the garden is full of rubbish following the attic clear out on Tuesday, I've been out and moved everything to one side, out of the way.
This morning Debbie mentioned the thermometer, I've got one of those radio thermometer sensors on the wall, it's a good job she remembered or that would have been lost in the rubble. It's going to be interesting to find out what they've done when we get home tonight, I'm just hoping they get on with it quickly and with any luck, they'll have the new wall up before the end of the weekend.
When we got back Debbie noticed someone hanging about outside our front door, looking through the curtain, it turned out to be the girl from the Chinese takeaway. Debbie went round to see what they wanted, apparently they are pulling their wall down today and just wanted to let us know in advance. It's a bit of a bugger because the garden is full of rubbish following the attic clear out on Tuesday, I've been out and moved everything to one side, out of the way.
This morning Debbie mentioned the thermometer, I've got one of those radio thermometer sensors on the wall, it's a good job she remembered or that would have been lost in the rubble. It's going to be interesting to find out what they've done when we get home tonight, I'm just hoping they get on with it quickly and with any luck, they'll have the new wall up before the end of the weekend.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Mission Impossible
Yesterday I had the day off work after booking it a while ago for a hospital appointment with Debbie which ended up getting moved forward. So, with a full day at my disposal, I decided to tackle the impossible mission of sorting out the attic bedroom....
It's just been a dumping ground for anything and everything over the years and there wasn't an inch of free space. First job was to go to a shop in Doncaster and pick up some storage boxes, I did get some funny looks with people watching this pile of twelve blue plastic boxes gliding up and down the isles ..lol..
Back home, I got started on the room at about 10am and started to wonder if it might be a bit too much of a challenge for just one day. Anyway, I cracked on and didn't stop until it was finished at 4pm. There were a few things I could have done in other rooms but by that time, every muscle in my body had gone on strike.
Debbie got home at the usual time and we went upstairs to have a look at the result, she was amazed at all the space and loved the new shoe storage hanging things I'd bought, it was just like an episode of Changing Rooms!
We were both shattered so after tea, just retired upstairs to watch Eastenders, Holby City and a fascinating program about bears all over the world.
This morning, we've both been weighed and Debbie's lost another two pounds while I've lost nothing, probably down to the beer at the weekend! With all the exercise I got yesterday, I'm hoping to make up for it next week.
It's just been a dumping ground for anything and everything over the years and there wasn't an inch of free space. First job was to go to a shop in Doncaster and pick up some storage boxes, I did get some funny looks with people watching this pile of twelve blue plastic boxes gliding up and down the isles ..lol..
Back home, I got started on the room at about 10am and started to wonder if it might be a bit too much of a challenge for just one day. Anyway, I cracked on and didn't stop until it was finished at 4pm. There were a few things I could have done in other rooms but by that time, every muscle in my body had gone on strike.
Debbie got home at the usual time and we went upstairs to have a look at the result, she was amazed at all the space and loved the new shoe storage hanging things I'd bought, it was just like an episode of Changing Rooms!
We were both shattered so after tea, just retired upstairs to watch Eastenders, Holby City and a fascinating program about bears all over the world.
This morning, we've both been weighed and Debbie's lost another two pounds while I've lost nothing, probably down to the beer at the weekend! With all the exercise I got yesterday, I'm hoping to make up for it next week.

Monday, November 29, 2004
Nutty Hour
The cats don't seem to be bothering with the window quite as much now we've replaced the blinds with a net curtain, although Eric, during his early morning nutty hour has been racing round and launching himself into the curtain and threatening to pull the whole thing down.
It does look cool though with the dark blue curtain, it makes the room look warmer than it did with the ice blue blinds and it's going to look mega when we get all the Christmas decorations up in two weeks time.
Despite having a having chilled afternoon yesterday, we're both shattered this morning after staying up quite late watching Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back. That's the trouble with these long films, you put them on early evening and by the end it's way past bed time! It could have been worse, we could have put Dances With Wolves on then we'd still be watching now ..lol...
It does look cool though with the dark blue curtain, it makes the room look warmer than it did with the ice blue blinds and it's going to look mega when we get all the Christmas decorations up in two weeks time.
Despite having a having chilled afternoon yesterday, we're both shattered this morning after staying up quite late watching Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back. That's the trouble with these long films, you put them on early evening and by the end it's way past bed time! It could have been worse, we could have put Dances With Wolves on then we'd still be watching now ..lol...

Sunday, November 28, 2004
Watching The Pride
We had an unusually late night on Friday, with a few phone calls to make it was quite late when we decided to watch Elf. Debbie wasn’t sure about this one but it turned out to be quite a laugh.
With the late night we didn’t surface until 8.30am on Saturday and almost sacked a day out at Knowsley but we got ready quickly and were there by 11am. It was realy quiet there, just how we like it! The Lions were the stars of the day and with no traffic queues in the enclosure, we were able to spend a good 15 minutes watching the pride and taking some fantastic pictures.
On the way home we called in to see Debbie’s Sister and grab a much needed coffee. We called at the supermarket over there and I picked myself 7 bottles of proper beer, going with a bird theme, Old Speckled Hen and Osprey ..lol.. We stayed up late again and watched Love Actually which we both think is hilarious!
This morning we’ve been to see Dad, he’s looking well and was up at the crack of dawn as usual to go to the car boot bargain hunting for his antique shop. I’ve never got this antique thing, just looks like posh rubbish to me ..lol..
On the way home we called into town and got some new net curtains and some lovely dark blue curtains for the living room. The cats were playing havoc with the blinds, Eric especially likes to go flying in to jump on Toddy.
After a top banana Sunday dinner, we’re chilling with a nice glass of wine before contemplating work again in the morning.
With the late night we didn’t surface until 8.30am on Saturday and almost sacked a day out at Knowsley but we got ready quickly and were there by 11am. It was realy quiet there, just how we like it! The Lions were the stars of the day and with no traffic queues in the enclosure, we were able to spend a good 15 minutes watching the pride and taking some fantastic pictures.
On the way home we called in to see Debbie’s Sister and grab a much needed coffee. We called at the supermarket over there and I picked myself 7 bottles of proper beer, going with a bird theme, Old Speckled Hen and Osprey ..lol.. We stayed up late again and watched Love Actually which we both think is hilarious!
This morning we’ve been to see Dad, he’s looking well and was up at the crack of dawn as usual to go to the car boot bargain hunting for his antique shop. I’ve never got this antique thing, just looks like posh rubbish to me ..lol..
On the way home we called into town and got some new net curtains and some lovely dark blue curtains for the living room. The cats were playing havoc with the blinds, Eric especially likes to go flying in to jump on Toddy.
After a top banana Sunday dinner, we’re chilling with a nice glass of wine before contemplating work again in the morning.

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