We celebrated our first new year in our new house. Our family grew to include the dogs Lucy, Lollypop & Sasha, the cats Misty, Toddy & Eric, not forgetting Fudge the rabbit. Sadly we just couldn't cope and now we just have Lucy with us and she's here to stay.
On the technology front, we moved from BT to Talk Talk and back again, got a BT Home Hub and just recently a laptop.
The garden has been cleared, two lawns have been grown and the greenhouse is gone. The living room and dining room have been laminated and the stairs have been knocked down and rebuilt.
We swapped the Toyota Corrolla T-Sport for a Toyota Yaris diesel car which is much cheaper to run and bags of fun to drive.
The extention roof started leaking and we had to have the roof covered in rubber, yep, the bathroom is now being protected by the worlds largest condom!
We celebrated our second wedding anniversary, time sure has flown this year, it doesn't seem that long since we walked out of the church as a married couple, we've been together now for 6 years!
The biggest event this year has been the dramatic weight loss, I've lost over 2 stone, Debbie has lost over 5 stone and is still going strong! Debbie has been faced with every womens dream over the last few months, having to buy new clothes every other week because they're going from fitting perfectly to falling off her in a matter of weeks!
We're hoping that next year won't be so busy and we can have more days out which we missed out on a little this year. There are still the stairs and the laminating to finish off though, two rooms to decorate and a patio to build!
Just one more thing, can we please have some snow!