Saturday we had our first viewer with the new estate agents and to be honest we have not got a clue what she thought of our ickle house we will just have to wait and see if she is interested.
Sunday wearing a very bad hangover we had a chilled morning followed by getting a new printer and a doggie cage, sounds terrible that we could cage our dogs while in the car, but to be honest its the best thing we have bought them, its so much safer and that are not jumping everywhere and being sick all over the car.
We were looking at selling some of our photos on EBay, but to be honest we checked out all the other and there seems to be no interest at all, so we are going to join a photo club and see what comes of it, Im sure there is a market there, but as of yet we can not find it!
Sunday afternoon we decided to take Lucy and Lolly to the local country park and they had a blast of a time, Im sure they brought half of it back as when we got home they had to go straight into the bath, they were both bloody Sunday evening we stayed on the pc all nite messing with printer and getting the very best photo quality we could, I ended up doing a print for Paulies Dad and framing it, he is chuffed to bits with it.
Today we picked Paulies Dad up and not forgetting Paulies youngest brother David and headed off to Woodhead which is a lovely walk, after 3 and half hours walking and taking piccies of course we went for some lunch at Compo's cafe in Holmefirth, we all had Jumbo fish and chip and boy was there a lot cause I could not finish mine then we went to do a ickle shopping in Holmefirth town and the heavens opened on us, it was like someone have chucked a bucket of water at us, we were
On the way home the heavens opened again but this time with Thunder and Lightning just to add to the flavour. After dropping Dad and David off it was time to head home and get Lucy and Lolly in the bath again, Poor Lolly had been sick all over poor Lucy, what a pair they make.
Time for a chill as we are both knackered from all this walking, mind you it aint half doing us some good.
Till next time have fun but be safe and dont forget to wear a