Saturday, June 07, 2008

More Tinkering

More tinkering with the blog design today, Blogger announced a new blog list element yesterday so I've added one and moved all but one of our links across. Why it won't let me add Children, Chores & Chocolate I don't know but it was a bit of a struggle adding the others, having to retry again and again on most.

The Flickr widget has been changed because the official one keeps on loading images and my mobile phone just don't like it.

I changed the Twitter widget several times before settling on the one we had in the first place.

That's enough changes for now, it'll probably be 2012 before I get round to making anymore changes.



Jennytc said...

I had the same problem with Petite Anglaise, Paul. I had her blog on originally but when I changed my template, the widget wouldn't let me add it again.

Sarah said...

Thats strange. I have no idea why :(

Snowbabies said...

Just tried adding it again Sarah but it's still not having it. I'll keep trying, it'll work sooner or later!
