Monday, February 05, 2007

Away Man In Washington

I was away on course all last week, at Washington, not quite in the USA, more like Tyne & Wear!

I've been learning Visual Basic.NET and had to tootle up the A1 for a weeks instruction on how to do Windows type things and be taught the ways of object orientated programing. I'm not ashamed to say, with only 2 days prior knowledge of VB, it was more like disorientated programing! By the end of the week I was up to speed on objects, classes, methods and million other new English type terms I'm not used to using.

While it's great to be learning new things, the big down side to last week was leaving Debbie behind on Sunday knowing we wouldn't see each other again until the end of the week. Thankfully the days and nights seemed to pass quickly, before long Crunchie day came and I headed back down the A1 clutching my certificate signed by Bill.

Here's a few shots of the sunrise from the most exotic place I visited in Washington, Adsa bridge in the Galleries car park...





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