We were hoping to get out for a nice walk this last weekend, however, the howling wind put paid to that. I can't remember it being that windy for so long, from Friday right through to the middle of Sunday.
The bins had a life of their own, every time we opened the back door, they were there, lying down begging for mercy!
At least with the rubbish weather we had time to sit down and watch Stardust on Saturday afternoon. By Sunday lunchtime, the wind had subsided a little so we ventured out down to RSPB Old Moor.
I've never seen the place as busy, we had a job finding a space in the car park. The visitor centre was crowded but thankfully the hides were nice and quiet, apart from the feeding garden which had drawn a large crowd so we left that until last.
After visiting all the hides we were going to buy a nyjer seed feeder and grab a coffee but the centre was still overflowing with people so we gave that one a miss.
We were back home in time to settle down and watch Elizabeth: The Golden Age, second fantastic film of the weekend.
We're both ready for a holiday, it seems like an eternity since Christmas, thankfully we've got some time off work coming up soon, I just hope we get some decent weather to go with it.