Saturday, March 15, 2008

Weather For Tree Planting

It's the start of our holiday today and the weather is awful, plans to go for a walk were abandoned when we opened the curtains this morning, greeted by fog and drizzle. The forecast is for heavy rain later so no chance of it brightening up.

Instead we've been out and got some trees and shrubs for the garden which I've planted in the soggy soil this afternoon, no need for watering today!

Today additions to the garden were Weeping Willow, Peach Tree, Pear Tree, Red Rum Shrub and Black Beauty Shrub. Hopefully the sun will come out over the next week and we'll be able to get some pictures.

This morning Debbie managed to get some shots of the Spring colours emerging in the garden before the drizzle got too bad.

Spring Garden Flowers

Spring Garden Flowers

Spring Garden Flowers

Spring Garden Flowers


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