After being with BT Internet/Broadband for the last 7 years, we've jumped ship and gone with Talk Talk. The new modem from Carphone Warehouse arrived on Friday and I set about installing the new software straight away.
After the last debacle trying to load broadband software, I should have known to back everything up but, alas, in the eagerness to get the new connection set up, I didn't. Then minutes into the installation, after prompting to remove Zone Alarms and installing it's own security software, it all went Pete Tong. The PC rebooted but wouldn't start properly, the desktop was there but it just froze. We tried a partial restore which would have kept the photos we've taken since February but that failed, then we tried a full restore from the master disk but that failed too.
Thankfully, we did sign up for cover with PC World and a phone call on Saturday morning resulted in the problem being sorted out in about 10 minutes. All our files were gone but at least the PC came back to life. I loaded the Talk Talk software again and this time, when the question came up asking to install their security software, I ticked the box "Not your bloody life matey".
Everything then went smoothly and we are now up and running on Talk Talk Broadband. With the PC sorted, on with the planned tasks for the weekend, cutting the branches from the old tree in to manageable lengths to take to the tip. I managed to do this for about an hour before admitting default in the blazing sunshine, it was just too darn hot.
Sunday was just as hot so very little branch cutting went on, just some relaxing under the parasol on the lawn. Even Lucy, who is a proper sun worshipper, kept in the shade all day and the three amigos stayed close by the house, popping in for a cool down every so often while we both drank about a gallon of water each!
Thunderstorms are forecast for today, hopefully it'll be a little bit cooler tonight, if not, I think we should buy a tent and sleep in the garden!
