Originally uploaded by Snowbabies
another one :o)
Its been snowing all day on and off, got home at 6pm and it had just started again, been non stop since, just nipped in the garden in me pj's and boots to get these piccies :o) Debbie
bit early but this is second on the popular list with nearly 3000 views
This morning we were up and ready to go for a walk, it was -4c, brrrrrrrr, but once we started walking you did not mind the cold :o) Debbie
By the time I get out of work I have missed the sunset and the sky is black as hell, on Sunday we managed to watch the sun set :o) Debbie
This morning, for the second Saturday in a row the sun was out :o) so we decided to take a walk round the woods, I only took my canon g9 and I am very pleased with the Autumn colours again, we walked up and down hills and back again, now glad to be back home chilling :o)
The colours were fantastic at the weekend :o)